Results: P&T Travel Scholarship 2019 - An Opportunity to Participate In a Global Classroom

Apr 2020



As part of our commitments to nurturing the next generation of architectural talent, P&T Group each year awards the P&T Travel Scholarship to several Hong Kong architecture students who would like to further their studies or develop their theses, during overseas summer trips. By providing an opportunity for architecture students to gain new perspectives through global exposure, we hope to deepen their understanding of how architecture plays a vital role in any society. Four architecture students from The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong were awarded this year, each has his/ her own theme to the trip:

Denmark’s Flood Resilient Measures and Water-friendly Architecture
by Jessie Wong

Resilient Urban Space Cases in Paris & Barcelona
by Joyce Zhang

Formations of Homelessness in Los Angeles
by Louis Hung

Future of the Modern Old-Adaptive-Reuse of Modern Movement Monuments in Europe
by Sukey Hui


The idea of nurturing the next generation is extended a little bit further this year - we invited film students to handle this video production. Let's see their work:

P&T Travel Scholarship Episode 1:


P&T Travel Scholarship Episode 2: