HKIA Annual Award 2023

Nov 2023
As informed by HKIA, there are overwhelming submissions this year, we are delighted to announce that P&T has received 3 architectural awards under different categories at the 2023 HKIA Annual Awards. Our Directors, Ms. Esther Chow & Ms. Florence Chan alongside with our guests and project team accepted the awards at the ceremony. Thanks again to HKIA for acknowledging our passion and dedication in pursuing architecture excellence.
The 3 Award-Winning Projects:
Redevelopment of Ying Wa Girls’ School, HKIA Merit Award - Institutional Building in HK
Library Extension and Revitalization for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKIA Special Award - Interior Design
Po Leung Kuk Lee Shau Kee Youth Oasis, HKIA Finalist - Residential Building in HK