Amaryllis Ville is a residential enclave located off Newton Road. In response to the urban context, the design concept provides two tall towers which serve as landmarks for motorists travelling into the city along Bukit Timah Road and the Central Expressway. A central circular plaza, covered by a vaulted and glazed roof, serves as an arrival forecourt. A lap pool is tucked into a narrow spur at the northeast corner. Rising 30 storeys above the forecourt, the twin towers of Amaryllis Ville are a mirror image to each other. Together, they house over 300 apartments which are intended for young families and working adults. To avoid overlooking the grounds of the Istana, the six apartments on each floor are positioned so that the main living areas open up to views of the city instead. Topped by a pair of curved roofs over glazed lanterns, the distinctive Siluette of the towers are a ready point of reference in the skyline of Singapore.
Wing Tai Property Management Pte Ltd
34,920 sqm
Winning Award
2006 Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA ) - BCA Construction Excellence 2006 (Residential Buildings Category)